Kosmische en aardse verkenningen (Cosmic and earthly explorations); Nouvelles Images, The Hague

Cosmic and earthly explorations are being carried out at Nouvelles Images gallery, by four artists:

Ton Kraayeveld (1955), Rinke Nijburg (1964), Sara Rajaei (1976) and Amos Mulder (1982).

The last two are guests to the gallery and show videos and photo works that give the whole exhibition an edge.

Kraayeveld shows modernism, the style that tried to shape an ideal world, but he paints it in a desolate way, abandoned and senseless.

There are two videos by Mulder on show in diffuse footage about the interpretation of dreams and UFO’s.

No, don’t shrug your shoulders, this is good and compelling stuff (though seats, and a place with less reflection in the monitors would improve the experience).

Nijburg sees the sublime in the cosmos and the divine on earth.

Although he has some impressive bigger works on show i personally prefer his smaller ones.

It is as if the vastness of the universe is best experienced in these smaller gems.

Rajaei shows photographs and a video.

They deal with man’s relationship to time and landscape.

The video is a good almost meditative central piece to the show.

[Click on the pictures to enlarge]

© Villa Next Door 2017

Content of all pictures courtesy to the artists and Galerie Nouvelles Images, Den Haag.


Bertus Pieters

55 Years Anniversary; Nouvelles Images gallery, The Hague

Joseph Semah

Joseph Semah

Auke de Vries

Auke de Vries

Auke de Vries

Auke de Vries

Nouvelles Images is celebrating its 55th birthday this year.

Marjan Teeuwen

Marjan Teeuwen

Ton Kraayeveld

Ton Kraayeveld

Ton Kraayeveld

Ton Kraayeveld

It is the oldest gallery in the country so it is a venue with a history, which is more or less reflected by the present festive group show.

Auke de Vries

Auke de Vries

NI55 08

Hans van Hoek

Hans van Hoek

Works by some thirty artists are on show of which you can see a few aspects here.

Hans van Hoek

Hans van Hoek

Gijs Assmann

Gijs Assmann

Gijs Assmann

Gijs Assmann

No need to say that it is better to go and make your own choice.

Toon Teeken

Toon Teeken

Uwe Poth

Uwe Poth

Jan van der Pol

Jan van der Pol

Anyway: happy birthday Nouvelles Images and many happy returns!

Omar Koubâa

Omar Koubâa

Joost van den Toorn

Joost van den Toorn

Hamid El Kanbouhi

Hamid El Kanbouhi

David Lindberg

David Lindberg

Dave Meijer

Dave Meijer







JCJ Vanderheyden

JCJ Vanderheyden

Joris Geurts

Joris Geurts

JCJ Vanderheyden

JCJ Vanderheyden

Cor van Dijk

Cor van Dijk

Piet Tuytel

Piet Tuytel

Piet Tuytel

Piet Tuytel

Robert Nicol

Robert Nicol

Helen Frik

Helen Frik

Pieter Laurens Mol

Pieter Laurens Mol

Gabriëlle van de Laak

Gabriëlle van de Laak

Jerry Keizer

Jerry Keizer

[Click on the pictures to enlarge]


Bertus Pieters