Sean Cornelisse, Dissident Peace; …ism, The Hague

A handshake of peace and friendship by Sean Cornelisse (right) with a visitor.

Only during the weekend (14-15 July) Sean Cornelisse shows his project Dissident Peace at …ism  project space (another relatively new artistic development in The Hague).

‘“Why are you here?” I asked him. “Why disrupt the serenity of this assembly with your sinister presence?” “I come,” he replied, “from a far away land, might find here the God of law, justice and peace, whose altar is said to be in The Hague.”’

‘Mister Tjoune, one of the Koreans who protested against not inviting Korea for the Peace Conference, has suddenly died Sunday night in his hotel at Wagenstraat in this city. He had an abscess on his cheek; this was taken away operatively. The operation very much overwhelmed Mister Tjoune, and he died of the effects. Already today his burial took place at “Eikenduinen.” No mourning relatives, no sympathising band of friends followed the small funeral procession. The only participants were the first member of the deputation, the vice-minister Yi-Sang-Sul, and the owner of the hotel where both stayed.’

The project is partially an homage to the Second Peace Convention of The Hague of 1907 and in particular to the still unclarified death on July 14th of the Korean would be representative Yi Jun, whose place of death at Wagenstraat is now the Yi Jun Peace Museum, which has become a place of pilgrimage to Korean visitors.

…ism’s project room has been refurbished in the style of the Yi Jun Museum and Korean tea is served with Korean biscuits.

Surabayan Commercial Paper ; State- and Literary Daily Paper of Dutch East India.

Cornelisse shows copies of local newspapers of the time, both reporting about and critical of the Convention, and with pictures of the Korean troika who wanted to take part but were refused at the instigation of the Japanese.

Cornelisse mixes the facts and the fiction with calligraphy somewhat reminiscent of Henri Michaux and with a fine touch of absurdism.

The Hague, July 3rd 2018.
With this despatch the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers its apologies, in name of the cabinet and the King. It acknowledges that it has discredited the People´s Republic of Korea during the second peace convention at The Hague, June 1907. Recognising herewith to have an interest in the territory of Dutch East India. As an expression of goodwill we present all documentation about this to the National Archive for free.

Go there in peace, i’d say!

[Click on the pictures to enlarge]

© Villa Next Door 2018

Content of all photographs courtesy to Sean Cornelisse and …ism, Den Haag

Bertus Pieters