Feedback #1, Marshall McLuhan and the arts; West, The Hague

Mogens Jacobsen

The present exhibition at West, spread over both locations at Lange Voorhout and Groenewegje, looks like a first presentation of a new gallery or a new artists’ platform.

Mogens Jacobsen

Mogens Jacobsen

It doesn’t lack ambition at all and works by 15 artists and artists groups are on show.

Harun Farocki

Harun Farocki

It must have been quite an effort to give every work the space and attention it needs, even more so as most works need technology to make them work.

Angela Washko

Angela Washko

It also means there are 15 different ways of seeing, 15 different worlds for the viewer to swallow.


Reynold Reynolds

Reynold Reynolds

That is hardly possible on a rainy November afternoon as every feature needs attention, let alone the excess of information about Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980), the inspirer of the show.

Reynold Reynolds

Thomas Bégin

Thomas Bégin

It is clear an institute like West needs another way of seeing from the viewer than an average modern art museum.

Mediengruppe Bitnik

Mediengruppe Bitnik

Wolfgang Spahn

That is all right, very good even, but a show like this awakens high expectations for the next exhibitions.

Wolfgang Spahn

Wolfgang Spahn

Wolfgang Spahn

All fifteen works bare a promise to give more, to show more, to linger more on the subject and on the world of the specific artist or artists group.




All works have to do, in one way or another, with Marshall McLuhan’s ideas about media (‘the medium is the message’, remember that one?), technology and the role of the artist.


Darsha Hewitt, Stephanie Syjuco

Darsha Hewitt, Stephanie Syjuco

Although very coherent, problem is that the show doesn’t really evoke dialogue between the works.

Darsha Hewitt

Darsha Hewit

Stephanie Syjuco

It is as if dialogue is saved for the following exhibitions.

Hito Steyerl

Hito Steyerl

Christof Migone

If that is so, expectations can’t be anything but very high.

Willy Lemaitre

[Click on the pictures to enlarge]

©Villa Next Door 2017

Content of all photographs courtesy to the artists and to West, Den Haag


Bertus Pieters